Our services
We supply concrete using volumetric mixers, also known as continuous mixers, mobile mixers, metered concrete trucks and, most commonly, as site-mix trucks.
Unlike ready-mixed concrete, "site-mix" is not batched until it arrives at the jobsite. The truck functions as a mobile concrete plant.
As such, it offers many advantages when compared to ready-mix:
Batch exact quantity needed - eliminate waste
Increased product control, customization
Discharge controlled mechanically by operator - no "chute man"
Unique maneuverability - longer reach and greater articulation
Flexible scheduling (including weekends, after hours)
Specialty mixes - high-strength, rapid-set, prepackaged mixes
Delivery to remote locations - longer shelf life
Large/remote projects - continuously feed and batch using on-site materials
All project types - Residential, Commercial, Public Works

For a detailed explanation on how volumetric mixers work please see the link below to our recent presentation at the North Idaho Building Contractors Association office in Coeur d'Alene.
LINK: Volumetric Mixer Presentation - 020525.pdf
​For any further questions on volumetric concrete, to discuss specific projects or to request job-specific pricing please contact Robert using the information provided on the Contact page. We'd appreciate the opportunity!